Wait List
NNS maintains a waiting list for all of our programs.
The waiting list for children born in 2024 will open in January 2025. Please check back for the exact date as we get closer to the New Year.
The waiting lists for all full-time programs (Preschool, Kinder Care, and School Age Care) are now closed for the 2024-2025 School year.
All the vacancies in the full-time programs for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year have been filled. Waiting lists for enrollment in a future year remain open, subject to capacity (children born in 2022 + 2023). Please review the waitlist policies below and contact us via email if you are interested in having your child added to the waitlist. Include your child's date of birth and the program(s) that you are interested in so that we can determine whether they can be added to the waitlist.
Wait List Policies
- Our waitlist is grouped by YOB as it determines eligibility for our different programs. You may indiciate what program(s) you are intersted in, but we will contact you if your child is eligible and a spot becomes available in any of our programs.
- We are a very small Centre; we typically enroll no more than 10 children from any given YOB. Because of this the waitlist will be closed once it reaches:
- 20 names - for YOB that are not yet old enough for our programming (ie. 1 or 2 year olds).
- 10 names - for YOB that already have a full 10 children enrolled in the programming. (ie. 3yrs+)
- The wait list will be reviewed annually with the Centre contacting each family via email to confirm they would like to remain on the waitlist. Families must confirm within 5 business days to remain on the waiting list.
- The wait list for children born in any given year will open the following January.
- Siblings of currently enrolled children are given priority and can be added to the wait list at any time.
- Adding a sibling to the waitlist will not remove anyone from the list, even if it is already at capacity.
- The MB Online Child Care Registry was disabled in 2021. If you had registered with our Centre via the registry, we will honor the registry's date of inquiry. You must still contact us directly to be added to the waitlist and reference the registry.