
Our main volunteer opportunities are to be involved with the Volunteer Parent Board. A strong parent board is the backbone of any non-profit child care program so it is of utmost importance that we recieve your support! 

The following is a description of our board positions. Nominations for the BOD happens at our Annual General Meeting in October, but if you'd like to pitch in to create a sub-committee you can let us know any time. We can always use help with policy development and fundraising! 

In 2019 we implimented a Strategic Plan for Norwood Nursery School Inc. and are already well on our way to achieving our goals!

Daycare Liaison:  This person should have a child currently enrolled at NSS/Before & After Program.  This individual is responsible for bringing concerns of the daycare to the attention of the chairperson as soon as they arise. This is the contact person for issues that may arise between the community club and daycare.  Attendance at monthly board meetings is required.

Program and Personnel:  This individual is responsible for all personnel issues that need to be brought to the board of directors and will inform the chairperson as soon as they arise.  This individual, in conjunction with the chairperson, will develop and ensure that contracts for all employees are kept up to date and current.  This position will also be responsible for planning ‘ECE Appreciation Week’.  Attendance of monthly meetings is required. 

Fundraising:  This position on the board is held by a parent of the NNS/Before and After Program, or a community member.  This person is responsible for planning all fundraising events that the school does for the school year.  They must present the board with a fundraising plan for the school year and a time line for implementation.  This person must keep current records of all individual families fundraising efforts and communicate any issues to the chairperson as they arise.  Monthly reports to the board are required.  Attendance at monthly board meetings is required.

Treasurer:  This position on the board is held by a parent of the NNS/Before and After Program, or a member of the community.  This person is responsible for reviewing all financial data.  They must ensure that any financial issues are dealt with in a timely manner and bring them to the attention of the chairperson as they arise.  This position has signing authority at the bank, must ensure all bills are paid in a timely manner, provide a budget and very importantly, oversee the independent audit.  The treasurer must present a current financial statement at monthly board meetings and the AGM.  This individual is part of the executive of the board of directors and attendance at monthly board meetings is required.

Chairperson: This position on the board is held by a parent of the NNS/Before and After Program, or a community member.  This person is responsible for the Board of Directors.  The chairperson will assume responsibility of overseeing and assisting all members of the board.  This individual will develop a monthly agenda for all board meetings, have signing authority at the bank, and take on the task of ensure the centre is properly run.  It is also expected that this person be a member of the NNS/NCC sub-committee.  Attendance of monthly board meetings is required.

Volunteer Board 2022-2023

Chairperson: Jessica Irvine – “Leif’s mom”. I am a Senior Policy Analyst at Manitoba Health and Seniors Care where I support and coordinate Manitoba’s three provincial nursing stations. My partner Kristjan and I have lived in Norwood Grove since 2015 when Leif was born. Leif began attending Norwood in the spring of 2020 and is now in Grade 2 at Provencher. My role on the board is to support the NNS staff whenever I can.

Treasurer: Jeremy Walsh - “Oliver and Ruby’s dad”. My wife Kate and I became NNS parents in 2017 with our son Oliver. Oliver is now in Grade 3 at Nordale and part of the after school program. Our daughter Ruby is in Grade 1 at Nordale and attends the NNS after school program. I enjoy playing golf and softball, and I am a NFL (Indianapolis Colts) fanatic. I have served as Treasurer of the board since November 2020 and my role is to manage and oversea the financial affairs of the centre.

Program and Personnel: Alex Karagiannis – “Alivia’s dad” I am a Civil Engineer at Manitoba Hydro. My wife, Susan and I have been living in the flats since 2012 and love it here. Alivia is currently enrolled in Grade 1 at Nordale School and is attending the before and after program. I enjoy movies, biking, cross country skiing, renovations, decorating for Halloween and building the occasional Lego set. As the Program and Personnel, I am responsible for all personnel issues that need to be brought to the board including keeping contracts for all employees current and up to date.

Fundraising: Curtis Einarson – “Violet’s dad.” I am a Project Leader at Pollard Banknote. My wife, Katrina and I have lived in the Norwood area since 2010. We started renting in the area during our time at University before deciding to eventually buy a house.  Our oldest, Adeline, started here at Norwood in 2019 until earlier this year when she started school at Provencher, Violet now attends and hopefully our youngest, Charlotte, will attend in the future too. My role is to plan and implement any fundraising that we may do throughout the year.

Secretary: Gillian Alcolado – “Mia’s mom”. I am a clinical psychologist at St. Boniface Hospital. Mike and I have lived in Norwood Flats since we bought our first home here in 2016. In my spare time I like reading and belong to not 1, but 2 book clubs. Mia has been on the waitlist for NNS since she was born, we are so excited to finally be part of the community! As the secretary I am the record keeper of all board minutes and other relevant board decisions and activities.

Vice-Chairperson: Krista Berkis- "Avery's mom" I am an Attorney and I lived in Norwood Grove for 7 years before moving to Norwood Flats with my husband in 2011. I enjoy making fancy cakes and cookies in my spare time, as well as sewing, cooking, and traveling. My job on the Board as Vice Chair is to keep informed on key issues, work and consult with the Chairperson, and act in the absence of the Chairperson when required."

Community Liaison: Christopher J. Fries – “London’s dad.” I am an Associate Professor of Health Sociology at the University of Manitoba. In my spare time I enjoy comic book collecting – I’m the guy you may have seen in the Hulk mask chasing London and her friends around the playground. Rayanne and I moved from Riverview to Norwood in 2013. London was born in 2016 and has attended the Preschool since 2019. This fall, she started Kindergarten at Nordale school and attending the Before and After School Care program. As the community liaison, I am responsible for attending the Annual General Meeting of the Norwood Community Centre, which graciously houses Norwood Nursery School Inc, and connecting with the wider community.